


Need of the Hour / Spiritual Resource Development

The present work on SRD(spiritual resource development) titled Need of the Hour/Spiritual Resource Development is the first in the series planned to unfold the Indian Knowledge System (IKS, better term being Veda Vidyā) and it’s Applications.
This book provides the proper approach to discern the need for concept upgradation of HRD. The book introduces Sanskrit (Samskrutam) as a research tool of the Rishis of Bharat. It is technology relevant language which facilitates performance research leading to knowledge empowerment.

This is the key to probe into Indian Knowledge System, better Veda Vidyā. The book deals with Dharma Connectivity and operative dynamics of the research tools of Vedic Rishis. The book asserts that English language is inadequate incompetent and unaccommodating to decode the rich scientific heritage of Bharat.

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Empowering the Nation and Citizens
with PYS Applications

Patanjali Yoga Sutras have technology relevant meanings (TRM) which can design tools for empowering Bharat and Bharateeyas.

https://patanjaliyogasutra.in/kaivalya-pada-4-1/ is the reference to the Sutra which provides the TRM under discussion. Recent research has brought to focus Shiva Jataamani as a potential tool for achieving the goal defined in the Sutra.

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Shivajataamani is taken from the roots of Himalayan Rudraksha Tree as stated by the Aghori who collected the same from below the Rudraksha Tree. Such beads are found as outgrowth below the ground and it takes intuitive vision to locate and gather them. View more.


Where whatever Knowledge you seek manifests.

Kulam is spiritual space of a Rishi and disciples or Rishis living to serve the cause of Knowledge dissemination and management. Whoever attuned will find receptivity open and Knowledge sought manifests from within. The eligibility criteria prescribed by Rishis demand total compliance to the spiritual values and practices. Then, the Knowledge will dawn.


The universality of Knowledge drew seekers to the Rishikulam from far and wide across the globe since the dawn of seeking. Being truly universal, the Rishikulams are Universities in the real sense. Bharat, the nation of Knowledge, where the people revel in Knowledge (Bha-Rataah Bharateeyaah), had many Rishikulams from the time immemorial, like Sandeepany Rishikulam, Vasishta Rishikulam, and Kapila Rishikulam. The spiritual space of the Rishis is still available to those who can invoke their grace can certainly get entry and draw all Knowledge depending upon the orientation and direction of seeking.

Foundation for Indian Scientific Heritage

Foundation for Indian Scientific Heritage Trust ® Surathkal with its acronym F-I-S-H is a non-profit charitable service organisation for perpetuating Indian Scientific Heritage Awareness & Applications and Cultural Literacy at all levels in all branches of education. To make learning as natural as breathing by tapping most conducive traditional environment and ambiance.



Contact Us

Dr. S. Ramakrishna Sharma
Ph.D. [Eng.Lit], Ph.D. [Samskrutam]
Shākta Bhārati Rishikulam
– Rishikula-Pathi

Researcher Vedic Sciences
Founder and Managing Trustee
Foundation for Indian Scientific
Heritage (R) Trust.
Srinivasnagar, Surathkal
Mangalore – 575025
Karnataka, INDIA