Role of Yoga & Samskritam

Role of Yoga & Samskritam > ISHAA > Role of Yoga & Samskritam

Role of Yoga & Samskritam in Human Transformation

NEP 2020 rightly added IKS (Indian Knowledge Systems) in the curriculum. Hence it is the right time for the Organisers, Delegates, and Participants to consider deliberating and drafting focused Resolution during this Conference on a significant and crucial value adding idea to urge the Ministry of Education, Government of India for a unifying approach to Yoga and Samskritam. And that is possible through the discernment of YOGA & SAMSKRITAM as twin Disciplines which are unavoidable for effective implementation of IKS.

The following reasons emphasise the above need, beyond any debate and discussion.

  • Yoga is the Science of Human Consciousness. Its applied aspect deals with total transformation of human being through maximum expansion of human consciousness.
  • Samskritam is the Language of Human Consciousness. Its applied aspect deals with training and refining the living tools of expression of Thought, Word and Script thereby facilitating the pursuit of IKS to achieve Akhila-Purushartha which is the highest possible goal in life. In other words, it is ultimate transformation which brings about perfection in performance which proceeds from the perfection of being.
  • Yoga leads the human being to become Brahma-Nishta.
  • Samskritam makes it possible for the human being to become Shastravit and Shrotriya.
  • Yoga-Samskritam, therefore, facilitates the achievement of Shrotriya-Brahmanishta transformation in the human being.

The ultimate purpose of every Indian Knowledge System is to discipline the human being to achieve Akhila-Purushartha. Just as two eyes are required to perceive dimensions, Yoga & Samskritam are required to perceive and pursue the highest goal of human life, that is total and complete transformation of the being, for being human in every sense.

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Dr. S. Ramakrishna Sharma
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Shākta Bhārati Rishikulam
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